France double objective of solar energy, seeks to promote European equipment

"The measures are aimed at the reboot of the solar sector in France," Batho said in a statement. They encourage the manufacture and seek to reduce a trade deficit of industry which grew to 1.35 billion euros (1.8 billion$) in 2011, she said.

The policies will also generate 2 billion euros in investments and create or preserve 10,000 jobs, Batho said.

France, like the United Kingdom and Germany, amplified lumbar support for renewable energy incentives led to the rampant expansion, equipment costs fell and the financing of the stunted economic stagnation. France selected for new installations in 2011 under former president Nicolas Sarkozy, then his successor that Francis Holland has vowed to boost energy sources renewable and reduce dependence on the nation on nuclear energy.

The current regime, France will issue a tender this month for 400 megawatts of rooftop solar energy on a large scale or the floors of installations. Half of those who will need to use 'innovation' and the winners will be announced in March 2014.

The target for domestic installations, measuring less than 1 000 square metres will be doubled to 400 megawatts. The preferential tariffs for energy produced from the projects will be more than 10 percent when they use the equipment manufactured in Europe.

Ecological patriotism

France shoot "green patriotism" in order to make his competitive solar energy and create jobs, Batho said. She cited a probe by the European Commission in if Chinese producers sell solar panels below cost and a U.S. decision to impose duties on imported cells from China. The annual cost of France will be 90 million to 170 million euros, said Ben.

The Minister announced last month an increase in the soi - saying tax CSPE that provides grants to renewable energy and more. The regulator said that the new rate will allow electricity de France SA, the State power provider meet its costs, leaving a deficit of 2 billion euros this year.

France had about 4,000 megawatts of installed solar capacity connected to the grid at the end of September, to the top of 2,950 MW at the end of 2011, in accordance with the declaration.

The financing of renewable energy subsidies will be part of a political debate conducted by the Government on the energy in the coming months.

Copyright 2013 Bloomberg

Main image: France flag map via Shutterstock