Électricité solaire maintenant moins de la moitié du coût de la grille de puissance pour les ménages australiens

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During the holiday season, I asked one of our dedicated readers, a solar expert of Australia, a few questions about the solar situation in Australia. What I got in return was a full post! Check it out:

The cost of solar energy on the roof continues to drop and in Australia, it has fallen by about a third since September, 2011. Solar choice, the average cost of solar roof for households last month was US $2.19 / watt. As most of the Australians who have a roof can currently borrow money at about 7% or less, this means it cost of solar electricity on the roof for the typical Australian now about 12 cents per kilowatt hour, which is less than half the average cost of electricity in Australia.

With renewable energy certificates, Australian households do not pay the full cost of their solar systems. How much they save depends on location, but at the beginning of this month most people will save about 68 cents per watt. So if the cost of the solar energy remains the same as last month, this means the total cost of the solar again in Australia, including our 10% Goods and Services tax, now averaging about $2.87 per watt. What makes the total cost of the electricity produced approximately 15 cents per kilowatt hour, which is still about half of what the Australians pay for electricity from the network.

On the solar roof used to receive certificates of additional renewable energy, but in a surprise move that ends six months earlier, from the first of this month and solar now receives the same amount than any other renewable energy projects. As a result, System solar prices can go up to this month, but he has a good chance of the solar industry will absorb the bulk of the increase. If not, we can expect a bump in the system solar prices before their downward trend continues.

As solar electricity is now about half of the cost of power from the grid, and is by far the source the cheapest electricity for households, unless there is a very sharp decline in the cost of electricity from the grid during the day, can expect a rapid expansion of solar rooftop continue and result in a large decrease in the emissions of CO2 from the Australia.  Personally, I hope that the will solar extremely rapid expansion, as I had any global warming I can manage. For tomorrow here in Adelaide temperature should be 44 degrees Celsius. This is the seven degrees above body temperature. If my air conditioner dies, I die. So please, I please, consider installing solar panels on the roof, wherever you are. If this is not the case, because of me, and then for all the people in India and Africa and other places that don't have air conditioning.

About Ronald Brakels: I live in Adelaide, South Australia, and I am really bad at writing short biographies about myself. I am interested in clean energy and environmental protection, but you probably could have guessed that the context. Although I don't claim to have all skills math I am proud to say that I have addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division down pat, which appears to be a superpower in some parts of the internet. And in a large number of both policies. Also, I have the vaguest memory of statistical studies at any given time. I enjoy long walks on the beach and would like to remain above sea level. I have a blog under the name of Ronald Brak, but is above all a bad joke after another, in order to not to go.